Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Love Frozen Vegetables

Last night I got home from the library sometime after 10:30 pm. I hadn't eaten dinner, and I had gotten to the library before 5 pm, but I was determined to finish my paper before I left. Needless to say, I was famished when I walked through the door of my apartment. I had already kind of planned what I was going to make, and I knew that I needed something fast. Normally on a night like this, I would have instant noodles or mac and cheese, something packaged and quick, but I had been eating prepackaged foods for the last couple of days and I was sick of it. I had these tofu noodles that I found at Whole Foods, and I decided to make use of them. And they didn't even need to be cooked in boiling water! I threw them into a pan with some frozen veggies, added some sauces and spices, and I had dinner in 10 minutes.

Stir-Fry with Tofu Noodles

1 cup frozen mixed veggies
1/2 cup frozen spinach
1 package tofu noodles*
soy sauce
hot toasted sesame oil
brown rice vinegar
brown sugar (optional)
vegetable oil

Generously coat the bottom of a medium sauté pan with vegetable oil and heat over medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, add the frozen vegetables and spinach. Once the vegetables have thawed in the pan, add soy sauce to taste. Add a little bit of the hot sesame oil (a little goes a long way), and a splash of the brown rice vinegar. Add a sprinkle of brown sugar, if using. Once veggies are cooked through, turn down the heat and add the tofu noodles. Toss together in the pan until the noodles are evenly coated in the sauce. Add a splash of soy sauce over the noodles and serve.

*Tofu noodles are made completely out of tofu. They actually do taste quite a bit like noodles. I eat them all the time at a restaurant near my mom's house in the Bay Area. Homemade ones are best, but the ones I found at Whole Foods are a nice substitute. If this idea freaks you out, substitute cubes of tofu, or just some cooked white rice.

I think this recipe speaks a lot to my philosophy of cooking. When I'm cooking, I don't expect to be using a bunch of ingredients that cost a ton of money, especially since I'm still in school. That's why I love frozen veggies. But I do believe that, if your funds allow, you should splurge every once in a while on things you crave, like tofu noodles (I haven't found them yet at a restaurant in New York City!). Also, spending money on staples for your kitchen is well worth it, as they will add to a lot of different dishes and will go a long way. This recipe is also all about with making due (actually, making more than just due) with what you have. I love thinking of new ways to use the things that are in my pantry or fridge. I just threw this dinner together with no recipe, like I do every other night, and it was fun and it turned out great. When in doubt, I gather things that I'm craving from my kitchen, put them in a pile, and just start cooking. More often then not, it turns out to be an inspired creation.

1 comment:

  1. Tofu noodles = gan sih??? sounds delicious...can't wait for you to make me this! haha : )
