Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year's Resolution and First Project of the Year

One of my New Year's Resolutions this year is to keep up with this blog. I've been such a slacker with it, and I don't even know if anyone out there is reading what I post. But there are some food projects and adventures that I've been concocting, so I will try my best to document them and share them with you here.

My first project, inspired by a topic on Serious Eats, is to choose an adventurous vegetable and cook it a bunch of different ways. Since my roommate and I belong to a CSA, we usually get a bunch of different vegetables, some of them pretty adventurous. But I always do the same thing with them. If it's kale, I'll saute it with some onions. Brussels sprouts, roast them. Root vegetables, roast them. Fennel, grill it. It's getting a little boring. So this weekend, I'm going to go to my local Green Market and find a fun vegetable that I will then cook several different ways.

Any suggestions for the vegetable?

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