Wednesday, March 3, 2010


As my roommate informed me via GChat today:

Roommate: you have 14 followerssssss

Hooray!  Thanks to everyone who is following my blog and supporting my blogging efforts!  It really means so much to me.  My little blog just dreams of making it here one day!  For now, though, I would love to hear what you guys, my followers and readers, have to say!  If you have any suggestions or ideas for Kat is Cooking, please leave them in the Comments below.  I would especially love to hear if you've tried out any of my recipes and how they turned out.

Thanks again for stopping by and reading!


  1. -pesto recipe
    -bacon recipes
    -an entire meal under $5 (i'm poor!)

  2. can you also post a recipe for homemade pasta

  3. Congee. Brings back memories of a class I once took on Cooking with Chinese medicinal herbs. I loved the congee recioes we made and wonder if I have these written down somewhere. This was in SF and there were some congee restaurants,too,in Chinatown. Yes,it is comfort food,healthy comfort food. I'll be trying your recipe,Kat. Thanks
